Pastor Testimonials


Jimmy McNeil

Lee Wallace

Lowell Spencer

I was privileged to know and work with Dr. Meyer several years in many positions. We first met when he became pastor of the First Baptist Church, Eaton, Ohio in 1954. I was a senior at Eaton High School. Dr. and Mrs. Meyer greatly influenced many young people at that time. I had been saved but never baptized. After a couple of weeks, one Sunday as I was leaving, he asked me if I was saved. I said yes, but I never have been baptized. Dr. Meyer baptized me soon after!

Dr. Meyer began teaching me to lead music and to teach Sunday School. During that summer, I felt called to full-time ministry. I had won first place in the 440 track event in Ohio, earning a scholarship to Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. After meeting the head of their Religion department there, I realized that it was not for me. Dr. Meyer recommended that I should attend Bible Baptist Seminary, in Fort Worth, Texas. I took his advice and enrolled there in September 1954. I graduated from Bible Baptist Seminary in May 1958. In September 1958, Dr. Meyer called me to come down to Orlando, Florida, where he was now pastoring at Orlando Baptist Temple. I flew down and was accepted to work in music as the Choir Director. In June 1960 I was called to pastor the Northside Baptist Church in Orlando.

In 1963 we relocated to Eaton, Ohio. Lynn Randall, Pastor of Eaton Baptist Temple, asked me to assist him as Sunday School Superintendent and Music Director. Later, Pastor Lynn Randall accepted a church in New Castle, Indiana. In 1965, I was offered the position of pastor of Eaton Baptist Temple, where I served until my retirement in 2017. I was introduced to Christian Education at the Orlando Baptist Fellowship by Dr. Meyer in 1959. I had a burden for a Christian school and felt led of the Lord to begin one. In 1975, Preble Christian Academy opened and operated for 20 years until 1995. It was my pleasure to have been trained by a giant in Independent Baptist Ministries, Dr. Lloyd E. Meyer.

Paul Crosson

Willy Milbry

Kenneth Barnett

Tommy Mann

Richard Koons

Ed Carney

Humanly speaking Bible Baptist Church in Kissimmee Florida would not be in existence today if had not been for Dr.& Mrs. Lloyd Meyer.  For many years Dr. Meyer had a burden to see an Independent Baptist church started in Kissimmee FL., which led him to ask me if I would come to Orlando and preach for him on a Sunday evening.  Of course, I felt very honored to have been offered an opportunity to speak at THE ORLANDO BAPTIST TEMPLE.  What a thrill for a recent graduate of Bible Baptist Seminary.  Actually, I was ecstatic.

 Dr. Meyer told me that he would like for him and Mrs. Meyer to take me and my wife Elaine to Kissimmee the following Monday morning to see if I would pray about beginning a work there.  Through the providence of God, a teenage girl from Kissimmee was in the service on Sunday evening.  That young lady (who was Pamela Mann) went home and told her mom that Dr. & Mrs. Meyer was bringing me and my wife to Kissimmee the next morning to see about starting a church there.

 After spending the morning looking over the area the four of us stopped by a small sandwich shop to get a bite to eat.  Guess who came walking up as we were sitting outside eating.  You guessed it, Pamela Mann.  Her mom had been attending a fairly new church that was about to close the doors.  Long story short, I became the new pastor of that church in August 1969 and in 1972 we started a Heritage Christian School.

 Having been the pastor of the church for 31 years we retired in 2000.  At this point we were averaging 1100 each Sunday morning.  The church was completely debt free with a little over a million dollars in the combined bank accounts.  The total square feet of the buildings were 67,000 that sat on seven and half acres of prime real estate.

 Bottom line, Dr. and Mrs. Meyer down through the years were a constant encouragement and inspiration to Elaine and me. We will forever be grateful for the impact they have had and continue to have on our lives. 

Ben Langley

Dr. Lloyd Meyer was a friend of about 50 years. During that time, he was a great encourager to me especially in the beginning years of my ministry. He was a supporter of Church planting, having started several himself he knew the hardship that a young Pastor would go through, and he would come alongside to help,

Dr. Meyer was a great supporter of the Tri-State Fellowship and was very faithful in attending the meetings and in doing so he would encourage the other preachers that were there.

Lloyd Meyer, a giant of a man that is missed greatly by me and countless others.

Joel Shackelford

Faith Baptist Church started as Grand Highway Baptist Church in Clermont, Florida in the year 2004 at the direction of Dr. Lloyd Meyer. Our church has been so blessed by the ministry of he and his wife, Joanne. Many great memories. The testimony of faithfulness is still an encouragement. The cumulative works of Dr. Meyer in the Orlando area are still quite visible as we fellowship with other church and school ministries. What a great legacy. We are thankful to the Lord for all that has been accomplished. May the Lord continue to bless the work of Dr. & Mrs. Meyer through the work of this foundation.