Maill From Partners
December 14, 2022
Dear Lloyd E. Meyer Foundation
Thank you so much for your donation to our ministry and thank you for choosing us as the recipient of your 2022 distribution. We are honored that you considered us in your decision. We loved Bro. Meyer – he was always such an encouragement to us! We appreciate your generosity and sacrificial support for these precious children and their communities.
Thank you,
Shawn and Amy Sullivan
Founders – President/Vice President
November 14, 2023
Dear Meyer Foundation:
We want to thank you all for your generosity, concern, prayer, and partnership with us during this very dark and difficult time of war in Ukraine. Out people are suffering tremendously, and we are heartbroken. We work daily to do everything we can to provide relief for children and families, but the war is merciless and the suffering overwhelming.
On behalf of the children and families of Ukraine, thank you for your generosity and sacrifice. We couldn’t do what we do without you. Please remember us and our work in your prayers and consider giving anew and/or monthly to help us survive the winter and rebuild from the war.
Thank You and May God Bless You All,
Shawn and Amy Sullivan
Co-Founders and Directors – Mission 823, Inc.