Friends’ Testimonials
Babs Delk (now Deceased)
I just finished watching Dr. Meyer’s Celebration of Life. I saw many of my friends and former church members tell what he meant to them. I cried and laughed when I remembered the stories they told. I enjoyed Mark Jeter’s sweet letter and rejoiced when I heard Lynn Dye Butler and David Butler sing the hymns that we grew up on. I cried with Beverly Meyer English and Marilyn Broyles when giving tribute to their Mom who is also one of my most favorite people in the world. I could never tell you enough about that sweet lady and the sacrifices she made for all of us. Steve Meyer’s heartfelt tribute to his Dad that made me laugh and cry. Yes, Bro. Meyer had a strict, firm way of talking to you but he was also fair and you could tell he loved you. He gave the best hugs.
I’ve had many preachers in my life but Bro. Meyers was my only pastor. I’ve never thought of anyone else as my pastor and have never thought of any church except Orlando Baptist and Metropolitan as my church even after we moved away. At least once a month I drive around Pine Hills to visit my school, Orlando Christian School, our church and our homes. Bro. Meyers led me to Christ when I was 5 years old and baptized me. He baptized me again as a teenager when I rededicated my life at a youth retreat in the Appalachian Mountains.
Whenever we needed him, Bro. Meyers was there. I can also tell you I learned as much about life from Bro. and Mrs. Joanne Ackerman Meyer as I did from my own parents.
The Meyers and my parents were good friends as well as Bro. Meyer being our spiritual leader. Church was everything to us-we learned, we socialized, we went on visitation, we traveled, I played the piano and organ in church, we went out to eat, played sports, and we went on youth retreats and concerts on the weekend. Church was my whole life. I had an entire church family to call my own many who continue to be dear friends today. We had as near of a perfect childhood as you could possibly have. I still value those connections even today.
Doctor Meyer will be missed but he touched so many of our lives and we have lasting memories of the Meyer family. It boggles the mind to know how many people Bro. Meyers led to Christ and the impact he has made on our lives. I am the person I am today because of Bro. and Mrs. Meyer. I love them dearly as well as the entire Meyer family. The Delk family loves you Dr. Meyer and will forever miss you. I know we all look forward to seeing you again when God calls us home.
Karen Bell
I started teaching at Orlando Christian School in 1972….straight out of college. What a life changing experience that was for me! Both Dr. Meyer and Mrs. Meyer impacted my life and gave me memories which will never be erased.
Jim Henry
Dr. Meyer headed up my ordination. Do not know if any are still alive except Ben Langley. I still have the bible Dr. Meyer gave me that day. Later called to work with him in 1976. He was a shepherd.
Darlene Phelps Fountain
Dr Meyer was a great influence in my families life from the time we were children and through adulthood. When we were growing up we were quite poor because my Dad was hurt in WWII and was in and out of the hospital for many surgeries. Dr and Mrs Meyer always made sure all 5 of us kids got to go to camp each year. He officiated weddings for us and the funeral for my Dad. What an inspiration he was and is still to so many.
Scott McAlister
I've known Dr. Meyer since I was born and attended Orlando Baptist Temple. Our family went to church and the school. Dr. Meyer led me to the Lord when I was 8 years old. I also attended Orlando Christian School and also went to Metropolitan Baptist Church. Dr. Meyer is with my parents and son now, rejoicing in Heaven. Thank you Dr. & Mrs. Meyer for all you have meant in my life over the years. I love both of you and your beautiful families.
Brenda Evans Pierce
Met Bro and Mrs Meyer when I was about 16 or 17. He was voted in as new Pastor of Orlando Baptist Temple. Around 1957! They were like family to me. He married Roy and I in 1960. As years went by he Baptized all three of my children. Have wonderful memories of them through the years. They were big influence on my life.
Jenny Strickland
Dr. Lloyd Meyer and his wife came to First Baptist Church in Eaton, Ohio in 1953 or 54. From that time forward, he was “my preacher”! I wanted to be just like Mrs. Meyer and play the piano just like her. She was my first piano teacher and I was her first student. As I told her……….she was my hero! I also wanted to grow up and marry a preacher just like “my preacher”.
They left Eaton and went to Orlando Baptist Temple, Orlando, Fl. as pastor about 1958, but our families stayed in contact through the years. I spent a whole summer with them when I was 13 years old and again after I met my husband, John Strickland, when I was 19. We became engaged to get married while I was living with them.
Dr. Meyer was a huge influence on my husband in his early years of ministry and became his mentor! He introduced him and influenced him to go to Arlington Baptist Seminary where John graduated in 1968. The Meyer family has made a big impact on our lives for many many years!
July 1,2019, Dr. Meyer entered the gates of Heaven and heard these words, “Well done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant!”
Bro. Meyer will always be ‘my preacher’, and Mrs. Meyer will always be my hero!
Marci Wilson-Boggs
Dr. Meyer was pastor of Orlando Baptist Temple when my grandmother (Cazzie Lou Heath) and all my aunts attended. I'm not certain but he probably baptized them. I think he married my parents in 1961. He inspired my mother Eleanor (Heath) to attend seminary and she began a lifelong journey as a Christian teacher, pastor's wife and eventually a missionary on the border of Mexico. My two sisters and I met Dr. and Mrs. Meyer in Orlando when we were in middle and high school at Orlando Christian and we attended Metropolitan Baptist during that time. Dr. Meyer was an unwavering minister of the gospel and I still have a small 3x5 card box with sermon notes I took from his messages as a teen. His influence on so many people is profound and enduring. I thank the Lord for Dr. Meyer's obedience and his lifelong servanthood to Jesus Christ.
Brenda Cooper
I would like to leave the wonderful memory of his influence on my life as a young teenager at Orlando Baptist Temple. He was such an example to me as a young person as to how a Christian should be. He was a blessing to be around and I know that he is resting in Heaven and is in the arms of Jesus. There needs to be more Christian men like him for young people to follow.
Mari Ann Tobin
I am so thankful for Orlando Christian School and the loving care and guidance provided by Dr. Meyers and Mrs. Meyers. My years there will forever be precious to me. Thank you for loving people and especially children. Thank you for your faithfulness to the call God put on your life. I look forward to seeing you someday over yonder in Glory!